Eagle Rock Reservation
The last time we hiked this rugged area smack in the middle of Essex County was back in 2009 eight years ago, almost to the day. At that time we were following a Hike of the Week from the NYNJTC. Today we returned to hike as many trails that we didn't hike that day. And there are still trails (mostly unblazed bridal paths) that we still haven't covered!

Using this map, which was updated days after our last visit, we followed a path way too circuitous and complicated to describe here. Suffice it to say, we hiked segments of nearly every trail in the reservation while repeating only a minimum of what we hiked eight years ago.

Total distance hiked today was about 4.5 miles in 2.5 hours.

(Click on the thumbnail to bring up a bigger image in a pop-up window)
















Photographs and content copyright © Dan Balogh
Web design by Dan Balogh